Don't forget your receipt

Have you ever asked yourself how many receipts you issue each year? 100’s, 1000’s, 100,000’s, 1,000,000’s?

If you are currently using plain receipts to your customers, your business is missing out on the opportunity to promote itself by placing a marketing message directly into the hands of your customers.

Why not use that white space on the back of your till roll to print a marketing message tailored for the needs of your loyal customers.

Printed till rolls benefit your business and your customer:

printed receipt

  • A great marketing opportunity for you to encourage customer loyalty.
  • Reward your customers or advertise a new offer.
  • Give a constant reminder, a marketing message, or return incentive to every one of your customers.
  • Cost effective medium to promote direct to your customers. 
  • Applicable to any size of business.
  • Distributed at point of purchase and placed in the hands of your customers.
  • Colour print attracts and sells.
  • Use for specific timed campaigns or all year round.
  • Can run alongside other traditional marketing mediums (POS displays, web, brochures....).
  • Multiple messages can be printed on the roll.
  • Fits into existing epos / IT infrastructure, so why not add value to them?

Modern roll printing technology means that customised till rolls can be produced in much smaller quantities than in the past, putting till receipt marketing within reach of even the smallest businesses.

Contact Retail Gurus today to find out more about how till roll receipt marketing can help to build your business.
You can order POS till rolls on our online store.